Shimokaji IPJan 21, 2021US PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE (USPTO) CRITICIZES CHINA PATENT & TRADEMARK FILINGSThe USPTO recently criticized the manner in which the number of patent and trademark filings in China is influenced by the Chinese...
Shimokaji IPSep 24, 2020SHOULD AND HOW DO I GET FOREIGN PATENTS?Whether you should get foreign patents is a business decision. How you obtain a foreign patent can be done in a couple of ways.
Shimokaji IPApr 18, 2020ARE MEDICAL OR THERAPEUTIC TREATMENTS PATENTABLE IN EUROPE?A treatment method that is patentable in the US may not be patentable in Europe. In fact, European patent laws (as opposed to court...
Shimokaji IPApr 18, 2020HOW MUCH CLINICAL DATA IS NEEDED IN A PATENT?The problem of lack of clinical data to support the scope of patent claims in Europe is a similar problem in the US. Generally, broader...
Shimokaji IPApr 18, 2020WHAT SHOULD I DO WHEN MY ONE YEAR IS EXPIRING ON MY PROVISIONAL PATENT APPLICATION?QUESTION: I filed a provisional application almost one year ago, so it will soon be expiring. I'm not sure what are the next steps for my...